Saturday, October 27, 2007

You never have a shotgun handy when you need one ...

This pheasant mistook our garden for a wildlife place. I have now bought a lawnmower since, just haven't had the weather to try it out.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Another Birthday!

Mark celebrated his 31st birthday on Wednesday. - To be honest it doesn't feel that long since his last birthday but maybe that's what happens when you get older - life speeds up.

So he had the conventional birthday cake and unconventional apple tree present followed by a trip to the church business meeting then whiteabbey hospital followed by the Royal children's as Luke had a wee infection and needed antibotics - meanwhile I was talking to the big white telephone all night - twas a truly memorable birthday!!!

Friday, October 05, 2007

D Day + 9

Home from hospital a week now, although we had diabetes clinic on Monday and Wednesday and the community nurse has came out to see us as well (... which is great, the more support the better). Luke has the finger prick tests sussed - doesn't worry about them at all ... and he has to load the test strip in the device and occasionally prick other peoples finger. He's gets the finger prick test at least before breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.

The insulin jabs were the scarry bit. He gets this before breakfast and before dinner. The dose has changed a couple of times, but at the minute he's on 1 Novorapid (quick release insulin) and 5 Insulatard (slow release insulin) in the morning. And then in the evening he's on 1 Novorapid and 2 Insulatard. Have to say a huge thanks for folk that have been praying for him - over the last two days he has got a lot better at these jabs. It was taking one of us to hold him down, while the other stabs him in the leg. He still doesn't like it (who would?) but he's has been great and is taking it really well.

We're getting to grips with his diet. He has to get 150g og carbs a day, and has to eat every three hours. To be honest his routine hasn't changed that much, but we just have to watch what we give him (and don't give him) and ensure he gets enough carbs.